Sunday, May 4, 2014

Close Analysis of Text

     In the song, "Sigh No More", sung by Balthasar, the nature of men is looked down upon. The song speaks of how men are deceivers with loose footing on life. It brushes on how men are not committed or devoted to anything. The song recommends that women should not let the manner of men upset them. It suggests that women should stop singing sad songs of their heartbreak and just "let boys be boys".
     I slightly agree with what the songs claims. I agree that many males are not devoted to most anything and do tend to deceive women. The reason I do not concur completely with the claims in the song is because it is stereotyping all men. I do believe that some men are this way, but I don't agree that all men do this. I also don't agree that it is only men that do this, because many women are full of deceit and lack devotion.
     This song reflects the action of the play because there is much deceit going on. It seems that everyone at some point believes an untrue rumor of some sort, which is making the play slightly confusing for me to read. Don Pedro and his co-conspirators chose to use this song in this scene because it gives the opportunity to make Benedick's hiding and detection more effective.


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